Sunday, November 13, 2016

Office 365 Error - stuck at "We are preparing a mailbox for this user"

Background: Customer has an Office 365 tenant with DirSync enabled with OnPremise active directory. DirSync has been setup successfully and no errors are reported on synchronization. Users correctly appear in the office 365 portal and are correctly displayed as "Synced with Active Directory"

Users were then assigned a license using the Office 365 portal. Around 40% of the users were provisioned successfully and the Office 365 portal successfully displayed the email addresses and mail properties for the user. The remaining users had the message "We are preparing a mailbox for this user" under the mail properties.

In the Exchange Admin Center, a mailbox was successfully created for all users, including the ones showing the above error. However certain attributes such as (First Name, Last Name, proxyaddresses) that were set in the On Premise AD were not being populated in EAC. The only proxy address displayed was the primary "" address.

At this point, the user mailboxes were successfully receiving email and we were able to configure outlook 2016. However if a user logged in to the Office 365 Portal, the mail tile was grayed out and displayed "Setting up…".

Having found very little useful information on forums, a case was logged with Microsoft support and 12 hours had lapsed with no response. Below are some of the troubleshooting steps followed to identify the cause of the issue.

Troubleshooting Process

Remove the license assigned to the user, wait for the mailbox to disappear from EAC, reassign license to use. The same issue persisted.

Connect to Office 365 with Powershell (

$Cred = Get-Credential
Import-Module MSOnline
Connect-MsolService -Credential $cred
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $Cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session

Idenitfy user accounts with errors. The command below listed all the accounts that were showing the above error.

Get-MsolUser -HasErrorsOnly

Check the detailed status of a user account with the error

Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName | fl

The user accounts that displayed the issue above had the Errors property populated with an exception and the ValidationStatus property listed as Errors.

The user accounts that did not have this issue did not have any values in the Errors property and the ValidationStatus property was listed as Healthy.

Then I came across a Microsoft KB article on how to troubleshoot validation errors on Office 365.

The following commands were run to retrieve the errors on user object
$errors = (get-msoluser -userprincipalname "").Error
$errors | foreach-object {"`nService: "+ $_.ErrorDetail.Name.split("/")[0]; "Error Message: "+ $_.ErrorDetail.ObjectErrors.ErrorRecord.ErrorDescription}

The output displayed an error with the Country code.

This lead me to investigate the user accounts in Active Directory.

All users did not have the country code populated in the Address tab. However, looking at the attribute editor, I found the users with the issue had the "C" attribute set to the value "EN" whereas the users who did not have the issue did not have a value set for the "C" attribute.

Solution: Clear the country code attribute or set the Country in the Address tab for each user. This can also be done by selecting multiple users.
Once the country code is set, force a DirSync to replicate.

Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType initial
Once replication completed, the user mailboxes were completed successfully within about 5 mins.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Netscaler URL Transform

The aim of this exercise was to direct user requests to separate PROD and UAT server based on the request URL.

e.g. Users access the following URLs.

The netscaler will then direct these requests to the relevant internal server.


Summarized steps are as follows;

1.  In Traffic Management > Load Balancing > Servers, define the internal servers (UAT/PROD) providing the service.
2. Then create the HTTP services for these servers.
3. In Load Balancing > Virtual Servers, create a lb_vs for each service with the IP address set to non-addressable.
4. In Load Balancing > Content Switching, create a new content switching virtual server with protocol SSL and set an IP.
4. Create 2 content switching policies with the details below.

Name: Policy_prod
URL: /prod

Name: Policy_UAT

5. Associate the 2 content switching policies with the content switching virtual server. Select the target load balancing virtual server for created in step 3. This will ensure that requests for PROD and UAT traffic is sent to the correct server.

6. Next we need to ensure that requests sent to the back end servers do not have the external Hostname and URL. This is achieved by using a URL transform rule. In AppExpert >  Rewrite > URL Transformation, create two profiles with the following transform actions.

Name: acct-prod-transform
Priority: 100
Request URL From:
Request URL Into:
Response URL Into:
Response URL From:

Similarly, create another profile for UAT

7. Create a Transform Policy with the following expression and the profile above.


8. Associate the URL transformation policy with the Load Balanced VIP

9. Now the requests to the external address should be transformed to the internal server address and the reponses transformed back to the external address.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Ofice 365 License Assignment Powershell

Friday, April 22, 2016

Exchange Mailbox and ProxyAddress Export Script

Get-Mailbox -Server EXSERVERNAME | select DisplayName, Alias, @{n="First Name";e={(get-user $ }}, @{n="Last Name";e={(get-user $ }}, @{n="Country";e={(get-user $ }}, @{n="Office";e={(get-user $ }}, @{n="City";e={(get-user $ }}, @{n="Phone";e={(get-user $ }}, @{n="Mobile";e={(get-user $ }}, OrganizationalUnit, RecipientTypeDetails, primarysmtpaddress, ForwardingAddress, DeliverToMailboxAndForward, @{n="Mailbox Size";e={(Get-MailboxStatistics $ }}, @{n="Title";e={(get-user $ }}, @{n="Department";e={(get-user $ }}, @{Name=“EmailAddresses”;Expression={$_.EmailAddresses |Where-Object {$_.PrefixString -ceq “smtp”} | ForEach-Object {$_.SmtpAddress}}}, MaxsendSize, recipientlimits, database | Export-CSV c:\temp\Mailboxes.csv